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lørdag 30. august 2008

OMG! What a prize!!

Look at what DAM is offering today!! Wow!
Man! Right now I wish I wasn't on the team LOL!
I want to participate in those challenges!!


Well... at least YOU can! So don't miss this awsome opportunity for a lifetime of inspiring monthly kits!

I'll just have to find comfort in that I just finished a new kit that I really love! I can give you a little sneak peek here.

It is lots of fun and whimsy - and will release on September 1st - if CatScrap gets the server on the feet again *lol* There was so much traffic for the Birthday Bash that the bandwith use exploded! They've had to buy more several times already and today the site went down. Maybe I'll have to say thank goodness that the birthday celebration is over for now :) There's only a few more winners to choose from all the fab entries to the blog challenges.

Oh! And I have to update you on our butterfly! The caterpillar broke out of the cocoon! It turned into a beautiful dark brown butterfly that we released :) Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a good shot of it, but it looked a lot like one of these:

In Norway we call it a "Nettle Butterfly" (neslesommerfugl) :) Latin: Aglais Urticae English: Small Tortoiseshell :)

tirsdag 19. august 2008

A New Discovery and a Party!

Well, first of all I have to tell you that our little caterpillar is still sleeping in the cocoon, and I'm starting to wonder whether it will ever come out :)
I'll hang in there though! I'm not giving up on him just yet!

Then I need to tell you that I discovered a new blog today that went straight to my favs, I LOVE the inspiration! It is Xtina's blog. She's a Norwegian paper scrapper - and pretty good at it too!! Take a look!
This month she is even giving away a Blog Candy! - I'd LOVE to get my hands on this to finally get over my paper barrier *lol* I have thought of trying out some paper scrapping for a LONG time, but I always decide that digi is best ;) Man, I love to resize, recolor, cut and paste and ctrl+z *lol* I really should try it out though!

Doesn't this look yummy?

Did you check out the Birthday Bash Challenges and the Sale over at CatScrap?
Only a short time left now, so don't miss out! CatScrap sales are not happening often! Especially not up to 40% off! :D

Here's the list of sales and challenges, you can still participate!
Today, the Stitch-O-Holic challenge is up :) And all stitches are 40% off! Wohoo!

onsdag 13. august 2008

Glimpse from the life...

of a caterpillar! LOL!

Yesterday, when I cut open a cauliflower, this cute little guy came crawling out :)

The kids were so excited! They had never seen one of these before in RL :)
(We've been living in the desert for three years).
I suggested that they take it out and put it on some leaves, but they
wanted to "keep it". *rolleyes* Sooo we found an empty glass of jam
punched some holes in the lid, filled it with cauliflower leaves,
and there was a caterpillar house for ya!
It ate and ate all the day, and this morning we saw that it has spun a cocoon!

We are all waiting for it to come out, and see which kind of butterfly
it will become :)

Will keep you updated!

Oh - and another thing!
Be sure you don't miss the Mystery Designer Contest at DAM Blog! If you have been to my blog now, there's a good chance you'll know who the Mystery Designer is ;)

There's also a new issue of Digital Artist Magazine hot off the press today!

And - I've finally found some time to scrap!! It hasn't been much of that lately! I have been overly busy wrapping up a new collab with Milla Designs :D It will hit the CatScrap store on the 15th for the HUGE Birthday Bash for the 2nd anniversary! You don't want to miss that either. Did I mention major discounts? LOL!

Here's the layout I made last night - I just couldn't stay away from this gorgeous kit!

Here are full credits

And here is a sneak peak at the new magical collab! Enjoy!

lørdag 9. august 2008

DAM - Blog Party Giveaway!

Long time no see!!

I just want to pop in today to tell you about the fun fun fun Blog Party over at Digital Artist Magazine!
Check it out! Lots of prizes!

Today there's even a gorgeous freebie to download :) Check out that yummy texture on those papers!

Just click the image to go to the blog!
