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lørdag 21. juli 2007

Pomegrenade Doodle

I haven't had much time for anything lately,

but finally I have another doodle up :)

Here you go: (Yeayh! I FINALLY figured out how to make the link look nice here!)

It's a pomegrenade (granateple på norsk) :)

Here's a layout I made using this doodle as a brush:

For full credits, see here.

tirsdag 3. juli 2007

Celtic knotwork and swirls

I wasn't really planning to share these for a while, because I wanted to put in some other stuff as well, but Perlevennen at was looking for viking/nordic inspired scrappingstuff, so I thought I'd give her what I have so far.

These are 5 .png files, approx 1000x2000 pixels at 300ppi. Remember, you can easily make them into brushes.

Here's the download link: I still haven't figured out how to integrate these links in the text on the blog...

mandag 2. juli 2007

Dottydoodles - freebie

Hi all,

Here's a doodle I made for my camel layout:

Download here:

You can see them on the layout in my gallery here:
